Jewellery design

Home/Tag: Jewellery design

Making Jewellery for Films

In the Past I have done many things. For the past 12 years I have had my own business as a jewellery designer. I have done some weird and wonderful things over the years. Exhibited at London Fashion Week and in New York, travelled around the Mediterranean and Caribbean on cruise ships selling my [...]

Making Jewellery for Films2017-09-13T17:01:18+01:00

A little bit of what you fancy does you good

A little of what you fancy does you good, well thats what my Grandma always told me. I thought I would write a blog about my love of cake and decorating them. Did you know that 11th May is eat what you want day? (Oh I seem to have thought that was everyday!) But [...]

A little bit of what you fancy does you good2017-09-13T17:06:54+01:00