In the Past I have done many things.
For the past 12 years I have had my own business as a jewellery designer. I have done some weird and wonderful things over the years. Exhibited at London Fashion Week and in New York, travelled around the Mediterranean and Caribbean on cruise ships selling my jewellery, appearing and selling on TV, and now I can also tell you about my foray into the Film Industry and making jewellery for films – King Arthur- Legend of the Sword. (It has to be very secret until the film is released)
Those of you who know me personally know that my husband and I have interesting jobs. He makes props and special effects for the film industry, and I am clearly a jeweller. (So we’re quite boring at dinner parties as everyone always asks about our work!) We met at Art College 15 years ago and haven’t looked back since!
Making Jewellery for Films – King Arthur
So a couple of years ago, just after I had finished my maternity leave, my husband knew they needed help in the making jewellery for films, in the jewellery department of King Arthur – Legend of the Sword, and wondered if I could help. So I jumped at the chance. I had a couple of weeks helping out in the jewellery department.
I got to research the style of jewellery they were using, and then help create unique pieces. I did make a hairpiece for Guinevere but sadly she got written out! But I also made lots of brooches for the knights and barons.
Here are a few examples of the pieces I made.

How it was made.
They are all base metals, copper and brass, then all the intricate pieces are soldered together and then handmade pins and clasps are made too. The stones are the added, but its actually coloured resins, not stones at all. It was strange making something from non-precious materials and then making it look real. There was a level of finish that needed to be done so that the jewellery looked real and authentic, but at the same time it had to be produced very quickly as there were hundreds of extras, all who had to look the part. It was great fun and a really interesting thing to have done.
Behind the scenes.
I also got to look around the sets of the castle and the town. Its so amazing to see the sets and you cannot believe they will turn out to look so real as they do in the film. I found this video on YouTube, which shows a bit of what the behind the scenes look like.
My husband and I went to see the film the other week, and it was really enjoyable. Its directed by Guy Ritchie and it has a look and feel of Game of Thrones meets Lock Stock. Yes David Beckham is in it, and thankfully only for 3 minutes as he is pretty terrible! But Charlie Hannam and Jude Law are great. I did see the jewellery I made a few times which is really exciting. However there is so much that my clever husband made (including the round table) so my tiny contribution takes a back seat. I really loved making jewellery for films and I have done a few more very small jobs, but hopefully i can do some more soon.
Go and see King Arthur- Legend of the Sword it’s well worth a watch. And see if you can spot the jewellery!